
Metrics Development

Development of indicator frameworks that allow organizations to aggregate and compare outputs and/or outcomes across projects, geographic location, and over time. MANAUS builds these frameworks based on recognized metric libraries while developing customized indicators that fit the organization’s mission and activities.


Program Monitoring & Assessment

Oversight and assessment of program design, implementation process, and delivery of key outputs. These evaluations allow clients to course correct and gather lessons learned. The assessments often involve qualitative research techniques.


Impact Evaluation

Development of sound evaluations that can include randomized, controlled samples to understand if, what, and how much impact an intervention has. Methodologies usually include the design of research instruments (quantitative and qualitative), training of enumerators, pilot activities, data collection oversight, and data analysis.


Prevalence Studies

Development of cross-sectional studies that can include randomized, representative samples to understand the prevalence of a specific social problem in a specific point in time. The studies usually combine mixed-methods through the use of quantitative elements (e.g. household surveys) and qualitative techniques (e.g. focus groups). The studies often involve training of enumerators, pilot activities, data collection oversight, and data analysis.


Statistical Data Analysis

Analysis of client’s data and/or external data to facilitate understanding of the specific issues and trends affecting client's programs and interventions. The analysis may include descriptive analysis as well as univariate and multivariate regression-based analysis.


Stakeholder Engagements

Stakeholder mapping and engagement to effectively gather opinions and expectations regarding the client's program. These engagements can be conducted before a program assessment to inform the design of the evaluation, as well as during an evaluation to properly contextualize findings. Engagements are also used to disseminate findings, to raise awareness, and promote informed policy decisions.


Data Collection Capacity Building and Executive Training

Preparation of material and training for building data collection capacity of the organization's key staff and/or outsourced data collection teams. Trainings can also be provided to senior staff and focus on program assessment, metrics development and tracking, and dissemination of results.